Maxi Bouquet Initial Girls

Maxi Bouquet Initial Girls


A Balloon Arrangement With A 9-Foot Tall Initial Of The Person.

    • 1 caracteres restantes
    • 65 caracteres restantes
    • 65 caracteres restantes
Costo extra
SKU ART016-3 Categorías , , , , Etiquetas ,


includes: a personalized balloon of your liking, selection of message and color of your choice.arrangement for birthday or anniversary to   celebrate big with lots of love. important: due to the events related to covid-19 our delivery service is currently following the guidelines of the city and the authorities. all deliveries of bouquets, arrangements and decorations will be delivered to the door of the house or office. we are not authorized to enter the facilities, due to our care and that of our clients. thank you for your valuable understanding, and we hope you and your family are doing well.